– From Christopher Westfall
As I write this on Independence Day, I am so profoundly thankful of the opportunity that I have been afforded to be able to create an income and a lifestyle rarely experienced in our world, all through the act of service. As I look back over the past 8 years of focus on the Medicare insurance niche, I recall the hundreds of insurance agents who wanted to catch a ride down this path, but gave up far too soon to realize a return of their, if any, effort.
This morning, I turned on the TV to see a former Navy Seal singing a country music song on Fox & Friends and, when asked what makes him proud of America on this 4th of July, he said that he wants to thank the small business owners of America for putting their freedom into action. That made me proud.. to think that here we are, building a business by tuly helping other Americans.
See the clip:
And just to think, that so many have quit this race before they even got over that first hill!
As I saw Gary Vaynerchuk say today, so many people in today's culture expect immediate gratification and immediate results that, when they don't get it, 95% will leave their business before getting the desired result.
This is a fascinating clip that I encourage you, highly, to watch:
And yet, Entrepreneur magazine, among others, says that even in a franchise business model, where the concept is rock-solid proven to work, the business owner should expect a minimum of three years to even reach profitability in the business and start returning some of the initial investment!
So, my message this Independence Day is that freedom, even to be your own boss, isn't free. It takes much more time and energy than some have patience for. But the reward is definitely, absolutely worth it.
We are able to build a tremendous residual income over time that gets easier the longer we stick with it.
We start building momentum, referrals, and diversified marketing methods with time and experience until we get to the point where the phone is just near-constantly ringing with folks that need our help. Yes, it is worth it!
So, Happy Independence Day, and I'm very proud to be associated with all of the other business owners in their pursuit of the American dream – helping our fellow citizens and enjoying the freedom that comes with business ownership!